20. September 2022

FC3 Fuel Cell Conference Chemnitz 2022 in retrospect

Technical presentation on the vibration resistance of our products: The FC3 networks researchers and companies from the fields of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.

From May 31 to June 1, Celeroton participated in the FC3 Fuel Cell Conference Chemnitz 2022, alongside more than 300 other participants from Germany, Belgium, France, the Czech Republic, Austria and Switzerland. The FC3 networks researchers and companies in the fields of fuel cell stacks, systems, components, production and applications, as well as hydrogen propulsion, storage and infrastructure. Celeroton presented a technical paper on vibration resistance of turbo compressors with air bearings for mobile fuel cell applications. The corresponding paper can be found here.

In addition to the vibration resistance calculation shown in the paper, the requirements are also tested on a test bench to prove the integrity. More about vibration tests with our products can be found here.

Impressions of the conference (source: «Das war die FC3 Fuel Cell Conference Chemnitz 2022», article from 02.06.2022, photos: Jacob Müller):