Over- and underpressure

Exactly where it is needed. And only as much as needed.

  • Decentralized pressure or vacuum generation, even where compressed air is not available
  • No leakage losses in the compressed air piping
  • Energy savings and improvement of the total cost of ownership

Small, light, powerful: Celeroton turbo compressors replace volume and weight with speed in industrial environments. Our high speeds make it possible to generate pressure and vacuum in a decentralized manner. Using our systems simplifies the implementation and operation of compressed air applications by removing the need for central pumps, compressors and distribution pipes. This eliminates pressure losses and leaks on the fluid transport route. Hoses and pipes can be replaced by more compact electrical connections. The same turbo compressor can generate both vacuum and overpressure.

In addition, due to their low weight and compact size, the turbo compressors can be mounted directly on robotic arms, thus eliminating the need for compressed air supply lines.

Turbo compressors: highly compact and oil-free

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Turbo compressors: highly compact and oil-free

Custom solutions

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Custom solutions